December 2024
Student Life Christmas Party
Our students gather to celebrate Christmas with games, food, and most importantly Worship!
Christmas on the Hill
We invite everyone to Christmas on the Hill! Come enjoy food, prizes, games, worship, inspiring message, fun, laughs, and more! Meats and refreshments will be [...]
Sunday Morning Schedule
Each Sunday Morning, we gather for the following events: 9:15 am Nursery | Birth-2Yrs | Bldg2-K2 Preschool | 3Yrs-Pre-K | Bldg2-K1 Kids | K-2nd | [...]
Christmas Eve Worship
Join us for a special family time of worship as we celebrate Jesus! We will also take the Lord's Supper. Everyone is invited in person [...]
Sunday Morning Schedule
We will have a special time of worship only on this Sunday. No Connect Groups. Our regular schedule resumes next year (next week, January 5, [...]
January 2025
Sunday Morning Schedule
Each Sunday Morning, we gather for the following events: 9:15 am Nursery | Birth-2Yrs | Bldg2-K2 Preschool | 3Yrs-Pre-K | Bldg2-K1 Kids | K-2nd | [...]
Sunday Morning Schedule
Each Sunday Morning, we gather for the following events: 9:15 am Nursery | Birth-2Yrs | Bldg2-K2 Preschool | 3Yrs-Pre-K | Bldg2-K1 Kids | K-2nd | [...]
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