Jeff Perkins
Senior Pastor

Jeff came to know Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior at the age of 9 at MacArthur Blvd. Baptist Church in Irving, TX. He felt a call to ministry when he was 17 and has been serving full-time in ministry for over 30 years. Jeff has served as a Senior Pastor in churches in Georgia since 1996. He has a heart for preaching and teaching God’s Word. He also loves to connect with those who have questions or want a better understanding of how the Bible leads us to knowing Christ and living for Him.

He holds the following degrees:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Oklahoma Baptist University (1991),
  • Master of Divinity (1995) from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary,
  • Doctor of Ministry with an emphasis in Leadership from New Orleans Theological Seminary (2000).

Jeff has served as Senior Pastor of Church on the Hill since 2021.

Jeff married his wife Lisa in 1992 and they have two adult sons, Dalton and Davis.

Lisa is an elementary school teacher in the Winder-Barrow School District.

Chad Robinson
Kids and Student Pastor

Chad is the Kids & Student Pastor of The Church on The Hill, babies through 12th Grade. He also is currently leading the Good News Club Online. He also leads Chapels for the elementary grades of Lanier Christian Academy in Flowery Branch.

Chad has a passion to reach kids and students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He wants them to experience Jesus through the Bible in a way they will never forget. He was previously the Kids Pastor of Christ Place Church in Flowery Branch, GA, also known as Blackshear Place Baptist Church.

Chad and his wife Marie were married in 2009 and they have one son, Josiah.

Tim Chapman
Communications Pastor

Tim has served churches in Music and Communications in FL, KY and GA and has been with The Church on the Hill since 2014. He loves to sing, write, watch KY Wildcats and spend time with his wife since 1987, Alice, and their two adult children Sarah, and her husband William, and Chris and his wife Jordan. The most fun is with our grands, Sadie Rae and Deacon Thomas.

Tim was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1987 and as the disease has progressed he can no longer walk but with today's technology he can still minister through the use of a power wheelchair and an adaptive van...only through God's grace! His life verse is 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.

"Each time he said, 'My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.' So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

Steve Pritchett
Senior Adult Pastor
Steve is a follower of Jesus Christ, Husband to his beautiful wife, and constant companion Karin, Father to his two sons Chris married to Jennifer and Josh, married to  Ginger.  Paw Paw to Riley, Cole, Cameron, and Cohen, and the Senior Adult Pastor of Church on The Hill.
Steve has worked in various ministry roles throughout his life, but surrendered to God’s call on his life to preach the gospel at the age of 33, an age which  many say was late in life.
Steve was employed with Norfolk Southern Railway, studying at Gwinnett Hall Bible College, and pastoring Temple Baptist Church during the years from 2000 to 2006. He was bi-vocational and then retired from Norfolk Southern after almost 32 years of service, which allowed Steve a full time service roll at Temple Baptist church, serving there as Senior Pastor for a total of almost 21 years.
During that time, Steve says The Lord allowed him to play a part in so many wonderful peoples lives. Allowing us to  Grow together in our walk with The Lord, in Salvation, in worship, in preaching, in welcoming new life into the world, baby dedications, graduations,  weddings, sickness, family deaths, good times and bad. It was an absolute amazing ride and now looking back, seeing the Mighty Hand of God at work in it all.
Steve says, it has always been his effort  ( though admitting falling short many times ) to live out our Lord’s greatest command of Loving God, and Loving people all to His Glory!
Pat Blake
Finance Director/Trustee

Pat serves The Church on the Hill as Finance Director and a Trustee.  Very pleased to serve both the pastoral staff and church leadership ensuring financial related operations of the church run smooth and transparent. Pat joined the staff in 2019 after retiring from an extensive career in Information Technology Industry’s advisory services segment.

When not working on church matters, you will find her spending time with husband Al, son Todd, his wife Shannon and two wonderful grandkids, Austin and Andie.