Student Life on The Hill exists to see Jesus transform the lives of students in our homes, our communities and our culture! We do this by Equipping our students and their families to Embody the Love of Jesus and Exemplify the principles of the Kingdom!


Wednesday Night
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Church on the Hill Campus

Social Media


Pastor Chad Robinson
Kids & Student Pastor

2024 Student Camp

We had a wonderful time at Student camp this summer. See our photo gallery by clicking here.


Worship and Prayer

Student Life gathers for Connect Groups at 9:15 AM and worships with our Church Body during the Main Service at 10:45 AM on Sunday mornings. On Wednesday nights, we gather from 6-8 PM for a time of prayer, fellowship and worship specifically geared towards our students, followed by a message and discussion time designed to dive deeper into God’s Word!

Serving Others

Student Life desires our families to be impactful in our homes, communities and culture. We do this providing support and serving local ministries such as FCA, Peace Place, Operation Christmas Child and school related service projects throughout the year!

Strong Relationships

Student Life believes that we are Better Together! We plan student events throughout the year designed to be both fun and impactful in the lives of our students! We partner with FCA and other school related activities so that we can support and encourage our local schools and staff! Click on the link to see our Student Life Calendar for 2023, then follow us on social media to make sure you stay in the know!

A Culture of Generosity

We get it, not many students are in the workforce yet, but we believe in teaching the next generation to be generous with their time, energy and resources!

The Church on the Hill, A Baptist Fellowship

101 Gum Springs Church Road, Jefferson, GA 30549
